Which Sources Would You Use?

Introduction You are writing a paper on the efficacy of vaccines and want to explore possible links between vaccination and autism. Look through the linked sources and decide which ones you will use. Learning Objectives Critically evaluate information. Task The Team...

Media Framing

So, if we accept the premise that media are influential in setting the public agenda, we also must understand the various devices media use to report—or more specifically, frame—the news. Media framing analysis goes beyond identifying which issues (and aspects of...

Framing the News

BY PEW RESEARCH CENTER: JOURNALISM & MEDIA STAFF Overview A Study of the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Princeton Survey Research Associates What are the narrative techniques journalists use to frame the news? Do some stories contain discernible...

Are these REAL products?

You can find some interesting things on the Internet (and in Canada).  Use research and visual literacy skills to determine which products are real and which are fake.     Ketchup Doritos? Sounds weird to Americans, but quick searches at retail websites,...

A Usable Source Rubric with Caveats

  A skilled writer may defy any of these ethical considerations without his audience being able to spot it.  Below are listed additional caveats that may not necessarily mean that a source is inaccurate, irrelevant, or otherwise unusable, but which should definitely...