Which Sources Would You Use?

Introduction You are writing a paper on the efficacy of vaccines and want to explore possible links between vaccination and autism. Look through the linked sources and decide which ones you will use. Learning Objectives Critically evaluate information. Task The Team...

Citations Worksheet

Please review the sources linked below and compose both an MLA and an APA citation for each. You can review MLA and APA citation styles using the library’s research guides. 1. A website: The EPA Eliminates a Strong Safeguard Against Industrial Air Pollution MLA:...

Sample Research Paper Outline

This sample outline is meant to guide you through your own outline.  Your outlines should show a progression of your paper topic while indicating which sources you intend to use and how you will use them to prove your point Your outline should also include a works...

Directed Research Scavenger Hunt and Model

Guided Research Scavenger Hunt – Digging Deeper Into a Pop-Culture Phenomenon Use books, credible internet resources, and/or journal articles to answer the following questions about Cesar Millan. Cite your source(s) for each answer using both MLA and APA.  The steps...

Comparison/Contrast of Two Sources

 Assignment designed with help from Professor Shana Cooper of Harold Washington College  Read and Think Research a controversial topic about which you are passionate and find two sources that present different messages about it.  For instance, you might look at how...

Selecting Useful Sources

Introduction The location of the most useful information sometimes depends on how deeply you need to understand your subject. Different kinds of information sources are published at different intervals and have varying degrees of depth. This exercise presents basic...