About this Hearing
US Special Counsel Robert Mueller is testifying on Wednesday before two congressional committees about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump.
Mueller’s appearance before two House panels promises to be the TV event of the year in the US House, where politicians will question him for roughly five hours about the book-length report he released in April.
Democrats hope that by putting Mueller on television and highlighting the parts of the report that they believe describe Trump’s most egregious behaviour, they will be able to ignite new outrage and renew public interest in their investigations into the president.
But Republicans are there too, and expected to defend Trump, who has condemned the probe as a “witch-hunt.” (Read more at aljazeera.com/)
Some Sample Headlines from that Day
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Determining Bias
These sites will help you find out a source’s bias:
https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ – Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC), founded in 2015, is an independent online media outlet. MBFC is dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices.
https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news – We expose people to information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum so they can better understand the world — and each other.
Fact Checking Sites
FactCheck.org – fact-check politics (project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania)
Politifact – fact-check U.S. politics (project of the Tampa Bay Times, a company owned by The Poynter Institute)
Quote Investigator – fact-check the origin of quotes (investigative work of Garson O’Toole)
Snopes – fact-check hoaxes (independent entity, founded by David Mikkelsen)
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