One of the methods used to disseminate information is via video. Every day we see television commercials, online videos, newscasts, and more, many of which are meant to sway our opinions and influence our decisions. This exercise will introduce you to some of the techniques video producers use to stir your emotions. Though we are interested primarily in visual imagery, if you wish to comment on the audio you may include that as well.


View the following short videos and take note of the different kinds of imagery and images used in each. As you are viewing them think about which images appeal to you, how they affect you, and why they affect you as they do.

Articulate how the videos make you feel and tie the use of imagery/images to the expression of ideas. This exercise fits into the overarching learning outcome of being able to evaluate information sources for credibility and more specifically within the standards for visual literacy.


An ExxonMobil commercial 



A promotional video by Dissolve Stock Images  (Be warned: this video contains one mild curse word.)


1. Watch the ExxonMobil commercial and answer the following questions on the group board:

     a. The commercial states that ExxonMobil is “taking on the world’s biggest     toughest challenges.” What kinds of images, in general, does the commercial include to show you that they are pursuing these challenges?

     b. Name one specific image in the commercial and explain what it makes you think of. What emotional response does the commercial evoke in you personally? Do you believe that this was the intended response?

2. Now watch the video by Dissolve Stock Images and answer the following questions:

     a. What are three examples they give of how images can be used to influence a viewer?

     b. Please watch the ExxonMobil commercial again. Did the ExxonMobil commercial use any of the techniques explained by the Dissolve video? Give two examples of images and their meaning.

3. Respond to at least two other students’ answers to 1b. Do the images they highlighted evoke the same emotions in you? Why or why not?

4. Reply to any student who has responded to your own (original) post. Explain your post if there is confusion. As always, civility is expected.
