A Usable Source Rubric with Caveats

  A skilled writer may defy any of these ethical considerations without his audience being able to spot it.  Below are listed additional caveats that may not necessarily mean that a source is inaccurate, irrelevant, or otherwise unusable, but which should definitely...

Avoiding Information Malpractice

  Malpractice is defined as improper, illegal, or negligent activity. In the realm of research, here are some examples of information malpractice: Plagiarism It should go without saying that copying work that is not your own and/or using sources without...

What is scholarly communication?

Scholarly communication is the process of academics, scholars and researchers sharing and publishing their research findings so that they are available to the wider academic community and beyond. Traditionally scholarly communication has occurred in the formal...

Research Skills and Exercises

Objectives and Outcomes Objectives and Outcomes This section contains all of the readings, walk-throughs, and tutorials you will need to complete a research paper or related project. After completing the steps in this tutorial, you will be able to: recognize when you...